The winner of the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am, Rory McIlroy, won $3,600,000. He's on 140 teams.
"Gimme Range" was the best performing team, winning $7,238,416.
All teams earned money in this event.
Weekly News
"High Low" moved into first place.
"Carnoustie 2" jumped into second.
"Team Garbo - Leafs" vaulted into third.
"Gimme Range" made the biggest move in the standings, jumping up 431 spots into 90th place.
There are 32 selected golfers who have not yet won any money. Of those, 9 have not
played in any events.
Tom Mckibbin, who was on 13 teams, jumped to LIV last week. All 13 team owners have
selected a replacement golfer.
After this coming weekend, no substitutions will be allowed for a golfer who may jump to LIV.